#HVBR – Revolt Against Violence

Turn on the TV on any given day, and we can see the impact of violence on society. At any point in time, it can be close to home or half way across the world. However, whether near or far, the devastation of violence is still the same because of the feeling of pain, sadness, helplessness and loss of self.

In additions to evoking feelings of pain, sadness, helplessness and loss of self in victims, perpetrators also seek to remind victims that they are no longer in power.

This is especially true for those in violent, abusive relationships as well as young people who experience violence because they are perceived as different either socially, ethnically or due to their sexual orientation.

As someone who has been touched by violence and has felt its sting, I have learned that we can never sit idly by and allow others to inflict violence on others. We must stand in its path and say no more. We have to counter acts of violence with compassion and love but yet hold firm to let those, who want to use violence, that such acts will not be tolerant.

If every one of us takes a stand against violence, we will empower its victims to know that they are not helpless and they do not have to lose their sense of power or sense of being. We can also make sure that we give violence no place in our society by giving it no quarter.

As a brand, Revolteur Clothing chooses to do our part to empower victims of violence by supporting the organizations that provide resources to help them. We will work with those same organizations to also create awareness about some of the common forms of violence, within our society, such as Domestic violence, child abuse, lgbtq violence, racial and sexual violence.

I believe that if we all do our part, we can push back against violence and counteract it with love and compassion towards others and our fellow human beings.

Ryan Elcock