Throughout many years of floor hockey and ball hockey, you have the opportunity to meet a lot of interesting people and sometimes those people know people. One of these individuals happens to be Anita Chhabra, a teacher at Bond Academy in Scarborough. She’s not just a teacher, but a Character Education co-ordinator, which we will learn more about.

My first interaction was January 30, 2019 which was Bell Lets Talk Day we had the privilege of being part of their day to raise funds. Anita felt that the Revolteur Clothing brand (Revolt Against Bullying) should be part of their day. Since then we have been invited on several different occasions. Anita always made us feel welcome and always supported the brand and cause.

One thing you quickly learn is the amount of respect the students have for her and her desire to teach them the principles of respecting one another. Bullying is not tolerated that simple. It is not just important for students to understand.  The faculty has to be on board and understand that the messaging must be unified. The messaging doesn’t stop at the school doors, parents need to be part of the conversation to combat bullying. There are many horror stories of schools saying they have zero bullying policy in place, yet nothing is being done. Doing the bare minimum isn’t enough. What she does within the structure of the school is absolutely amazing, other schools can learn a lot from her. A privilege to say I know her and the great work she does.

As the Character Education coordinator at Bond Academy, we have a zero-tolerance bullying program. The students are taught that it is not ok to make fun of others and have them feel bad about themselves. From the onset of my program (about 12 years ago), students have been inundated with messages and lessons on the effects of bullying and how detrimental this is. The following are some characteristics of our positive school climate. Students, school staff members, and parents feel safe, and are safe, included, and accepted. All members of the school community demonstrate respect, fairness, and kindness in their interactions, building healthy relationships that are free from discrimination and harassment. Students are encouraged and given support to be positive leaders and role models in their school community. We encourage open and ongoing dialogue that takes place between students and staff members. We have many fundraisers throughout the year that support anti-bullying programs and initiatives. The students in my school know how important this is. They see me walking up the hallway and say, “be nice, the character teacher is coming”. Teaching Character to the students has become a far more rewarding feeling than I ever felt possible!

I asked her some absolutely important personal questions. Well not really just needed more words to reach 1000 and still was unable.

  • Who is Anita?

 Anita has been teaching for 29 years. I decided to become a teacher when I was told at a young age that I could not have children. I love little ones and was devastated. I am called the baby whisperer. I come from a family of doctors and lawyers. Being of an East Indian background, my parents were not content that ALL I was going to be was a teacher. “What? Aren’t you going to go back to school to get your Ph.D?” That being said, I stood my ground and followed my dream. Through it all, I decided later on that teaching academics was good, but not enough. I wanted to make a real difference in a childs’ life. I went to Buffalo to get certified in Character Education. ThiS is what I wanted to do! As the years went on, my family actually told me…”you are the smartest one among us. You did what you wanted and paved your own path”

  • How does your day start?

My day starts when I walk into the school with my Starbucks Grande Double Shot of Espresso on ice extra shaken. I check my mailbox, because I tell my students that they can talk to me about anything and if they are not comfortable doing it face to face, they can leave notes in my mailbox. When I see nothing, I exhale.

  • What motivates you?

I am motivated by the smiles on my students faces when they walk up the hallway in the morning and say “Hi Miss, how are you?’ All with a smile on their faces. I thrive on the happiness of others.

  • Who inspires you and why?

My parents have always been my strongest inspiration. They came to Canada with nothing. Worked day and night and produced 2 doctors, a lawyer and me!.. lol They both recently passed and I thank them everyday  for raising me to be who I am today. They were humble, proud and the kindest souls you could have ever met.

  • What do you do o find calm/inner peace?

I read, listen to relaxing music and sometimes just sitting in solitude.

  • 4 adjectives to describe your strength?

Dedicated, Independent, Caring, Motivated and Determined

  • 4 adjectives to describe your weakness?

Emotional, Self-Critical, Sensitive, Too Caring and Easily intimidated

  • Android or apple?


  • Tea of coffee?

Iced Coffee and Iced Tea

  • R&B/Hip Hop or Rock?


  • How do you approach each day at work?

With a positive attitude and smile on my face.

  • What’s the most important thing you pass on each day?

Carpe Diem! I almost lost my life, so embrace every day that you are given and avoid negativity at all costs!

  • If you had to choose a second profession what would it be and why?

I would be a child youth care worker. They are our future and so many need our help.